Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tia hermosa de Madrid follando!!

Tia hermosa de Madrid follando!! Tia linda video enviando al Chat, ella estaba alli donde hay muchas tias mas, lindas tetonas, culos, msn, messenger hermosas, tias, chicas … DESCARGAR VIDEO COMPLETO!!

Fuente: Blog de Sexo

Tia hermosa de Madrid follando!! Tia hermosa de Madrid follando!! Tia hermosa de Madrid follando!!
Tia hermosa de Madrid follando!!


Tuesday, November 24, 2009



Come watch these big tittie hot horny sluts get there wet little holes fucked, and see the cum drip down from their lips to their big beautiful tits.

check it out

Genre Big Boob Performers Friday, Vicky Vette, Eva Angelina, Ana Nova, Alicia Rhodes, Lanny Barby, Brooke, Jane Darling, Claudia Ferrari, Shy Love, Jenaveve Jolie, Bibi Fox, Jenna Brooks, Judy Rider, Rita Faltayano, Stella Morandy, Envi, Kyrstal Deboor Studio Zero Tolerance


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Meliput Konflik Tanpa Darah dan Letusan Senjata

Bagi seorang jurnalis, meliput daerah konflik adalah tantangan yang harus ditaklukkan. Bukan hanya  demi menjalankan tugas, tapi juga untuk  mengasah keterampilan mencari berita  di tengah kondisi  yang  bergejolak.

Program acara Zona Merah di TV One menayangkan liputan jurnalis tv berita tersebut dari  wilayah konflik di berbagai negara, seperti Darfur di Sudan, dan Mindanao di Filipina Selatan.

Dari  beberapa  episode yang sudah tayang setiap Senin malam,  pola  penayangan hampir seragam. Dimulai  dengan laporan  perjalanan  menuju  negara  tujuan,  menemui  narasumber dan mewawancarainya,  lalu berangkat  ke  wilayah konflik.

Di lokasi    konflik,  pengambilan gambar didominasi  oleh gambar-gambar  tentara  atau  gerilyawan bersenjata,  yang   tengah siaga dan  siap tempur  setiap saat.

Ada pula gambar para pengungsi, yang tinggal  di kamp pengungsi  seperti di Darfur. Ditayangkan  juga  kamp-kamp  militer  seperti  milik MNLF (Front Nasional Pembebasan Moro) di Jolo, Mindanao. Tentu saja  ditambah  dengan wawancara  bersama  narasumber tertentu.

Saat di Darfur, misalnya, wawancara dilakukan dengan   Kombes Jhoni Asadoma, Komandan  Polisi Indonesia yang tergabung dalam pasukan pemelihara perdamaian  PBB.

Sementara di Mindanao, wawancara dilakukan  dengan  Ustad Hader Malik, komandan kamp MNLF di Jolo,   yang  menjadi buronan militer  Filipina. Entah  apa perasaan tentara Filipina bila mereka melihat tayangan tersebut. Sebab  ada jurnalis asing yang bisa masuk ke  sarang musuh, dan mewawancarai orang yang mereka cari selama ini.

Selain Hader Malik, TV One juga mewawancarai Nur Misuari, mantan pemimpin MNLF yang sekarang menjadi politisi di Manila, serta seorang  profesor, yang menjadi orang kepercayaan Misuari di  Zamboanga.

Selain keberanian si jurnalis masuk ke  wilayah konflik, hal lain yang patut diacungi jempol adalah  penayangan gambar  yang tidak ditutup-tutupi.  Saat di Jolo, misalnya,  wajah  Hader Malik, serta  para gerilyawan dan simpatisan MNLF lainnya  ditayangkan  secara terbuka. Tak ada yang  memakai penutup  wajah,  atau  berbagai bentuk penyamaran lainnya.

Entah karena pertimbangan keamanan, atau  karena  keterbatasan waktu,  liputan  di  wilayah konflik itu  terasa singkat.  Setelah  wawancara dan pengambilan gambar,  si jurnalis  dan juru kamera meninggalkan lokasi untuk kembali ke   ibu kota negara bersangkutan.

Sebagai sebuah acara baru, Zona Merah  cukup menarik untuk ditonton karena isinya  laporan langsung dari wilayah konflik, yang selama ini jarang diliput media. Pemirsa bisa menyaksikan  tayangan  tentang  kondisi   di wilayah konflik itu,  serta wawancara dengan pihak  yang bertikai.

Saat liputan di Filipina, selain mewawancarai  pihak MNLF,  jurnalis TV One juga mewawancarai komandan militer  Filipina di Zamboanga.  Dengan demikian,  prinsip  cover both sides tetap terjaga,   sehingga beritanya tetap berimbang.

Sayangnya,  penguasaan si jurnalis atas  peta konflik  di Mindanao kurang mendalam.   Dia hanya  menyebutkan  MNLF dan Abu Sayyaf  sebagai kelompok perlawanan di wilayah selatan Filipina tersebut.

Padahal, bicara  konflik  Mindanao  tak bisa tidak harus melibatkan  pula  unsur MILF (Front  Pembebasan Islam Moro),  yang juga gigih  berjuang untuk kemerdekaan  Mindanao. Namun tak sepatah kata pun diucapkan  si jurnalis.

Hal ini perlu jadi  perhatian redaksi TV One untuk membekali  jurnalisnya dengan  peta konflik berikut  pemain-pemainnya,  sebelum mereka dikirim ke lapangan,  agar laporannya makin mendalam.

Dengan segala keterbatasannya,  Zona Merah  berhasil mencuri perhatian pemirsa di tengah  gempuran berita tentang  perseteruan  cicak versus buaya saat ini.

Acara ini bisa menjadi program  dokumenter  alternatif, yang melaporkan langsung  dari  wilayah konflik yang  tengah panas, tanpa harus   menayangkan banjir darah dan letusan senjata. Itu bisa jadi bukti bahwa program berita dokumenter produk   tv nasional  tak kalah  berkualitas  dibandingkan tv asing.

Dan satu hal yang  perlu dicatat, dari beberapa episode yang sudah tayang,  jurnalis  yang  meliput  adalah wanita.         Ini juga bukti bahwa  jurnalis wanita punya nyali  meliput di wilayah konflik. Bukan hanya  meliput hal yang remeh temeh!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tantsnusk, tantslem och fula tanter

Jag minns när min morfar var ledsen en gång. Han brukade alltid plocka smultron och hallon på somrarna, vilket det är skamlöst gott om i Södermanland. Han hade som vana att på vägen hem bjuda barn på bären ifall han stötte på några. Någon gång på 90-talet höjdes dock beredskapen för pedofiler framförallt efter de bestialiska härvorna i Belgien. Och en vacker sommardag när morfar skulle bjuda några barn på smultron blev de vettskrämda och sprang så fort de kunde därifrån. Min morfar uppfattades som en ful gubbe, som barn sedan 90-talet lärt sig att akta sig för. (På 80-talet när jag växte upp hade vi gott om fula gubbar som ingen gjorde något åt men också var rätt ofarliga när allt kom omkring).

Idag är vi vana vid fula gubbar. Inte bara de malignt fula gubbarna, utan även gubbsnusk som klär av yngre tjejer och kvinnor med ögonen. Låter en hand smeka en oförsiktig stjärt på tunnelbanan. Som glider fram med glänsande panna och intensiva ögon och vill bjuda på drinkar till “lilla fröken”. Visst är det ute att vara äldre man på jakt efter yngre kvinna? Det finns få figurer som fått ta mer stryk på senare år, som är mer ute. “Jag hatar dig ditt äckliga jävla gubbslem” heter det som bekant. Ja, äldre män och yngre kvinnor är inte en darling i popkulturen just nu.

Däremot har begrepp som toyboys, MILFs och cougars blivit hetare och hetare. I nya serien “Cougar town” spelar Courtney Cox en kvinna vars äktenskap gått i kras och nu vill återuppleva de ungdomsår hon aldrig hade på grund av ett barn hon fick tidigt. Hon följer med mer vana cougars ut på klubbar för att hitta yngre killar. Hon finner rätt fort en fuckbuddy/toyboy som är kanske hälften så gammal. Stämningen i serien är uppsluppen och åldersskillnaden framställs som afrodisiaka mer än som något problematiskt (även om Courtney Cox visar upp skamveck, bilringar och rynkor på ett sätt som är mycket ovanligt i hollywood).

Tidigare i år sändes även “The Cougar” som är en populär reality show där tjugo unga män (runt 20 år) tävlar om den framgångsrika fastighetsmäklaren Stacey Anderson som är skild med fyra barn (se även avsnittet om “MILF island” i tv-serien “30 Rock”). Upplägget var detsamma som i The Bachelorette. Och jag börjar undra vilken som är den primära målgruppen för den här typen av serier? Är det äldre kvinnor som vill ha glada ungtuppar med synliga magrutor, slät hy och otvivelaktiga erektioner? Eller är det yngre män som efter idoga nattfantasier om lärarinnor och kompisars mammor efterfrågar mer mer mer?

En fejkad serie ur tv-serien "30 Rock"

Det är kanske rätt så oskyldigt. Och jämställdhetsaspekten får man aldrig glömma (amen!). Men ändå, är det verkligen alldeles särskilt fantastiskt med äldre kvinnor som tar sig yngre älskare?

En nära vän till mig är mycket snygg och stilig på alla sätt. När man är ute med honom kommer det alltid fram tjejer och vill visa sina MTV-moves.  Flertalet gånger har jag även varit med om att äldre kvinnor gått fram och börjat ta för sig lite på honom och viska sexuella inviter med Clint Eastwood-röst. Till hans stora obehag. När han provar kläder råkar butikskvinnorna ofta öppna skynket för att se hur “kläderna” sitter.

Själv arbetade jag länge som telefonförsäljare och hade egentligen bara en enda riktigt stor kundgrupp. Kvinnor mellan 30-50 år som alltid verkade minst lika intresserade av hur jag såg ut, hur lång jag var och om jag tränade som av tvättmedlet Afrodite. Inte mig emot, man säljer bäst genom att etablera sig i vänkretser och deras väninnor visste ofta vem jag var redan innan jag hann ringa dem.

Demi Moore gifter sig med 16 år yngre Ashton Kutcher. Madonna dejtar 22-åring. I tv-serie efter tv-serie tar sig kvinnor yngre älskare. Det är inte något problem i sig men reaktioner har väldigt mycket ett drag av revanchism över sig. Och vi förväntas inte bara notera det utan även aktivt stödja och vurma för det. Och triumfatoriska skribenter skriver att Ulf Lundell kan slänga sig i väggen för nu är det kvinnornas tur minnsann!

Meanwhile på playan i Brasilien, i Gambia och på Jamaica lägger just en blekfet vit västerländsk kvinna sin hand på en alldeles för ung mans lår. Hon kommer köpa honom en gåva för de sexuella tjänster han utför för henne. Hon kommer köpa honom kläder för de komplimanger han lyckas få att låta äkta. Har hon inte förtjänat att få känna sig åtrådd? Hon som alltid jobbat och slitit. Har inte hon förtjänat njutning med en vacker ung man som säger att hon ser ut som Madonna? Kvinnors sexturism till framförallt Sydamerika och Västafrika har samtidigt med cougar/milf-fenomenet blivit mer uppmärksammat även det troligen är hyfsat orelaterat. Kanske allra bäst i filmen “Mot södern” där en 55-årig vit fransyska inleder en relation med en 18-årig haitier (men även i reportage som här och här). Det som är slående med kvinnors sexturism är att de flesta själva inte klarar av att erkänna för sig själva eller andra vad de håller på med. De vet att det inte är helt normalt kanske, men vill inte kalla det för sexköp. De väljer att förtränga maktassymetrin som präglar deras “relationer” med de strandraggande ynglingarna kanske just för att de är kvinnor och ser det hela som ett bejakande av deras sexualitet.

Från "Mot Södern"

Självklart anknyter det bara delvis till ämnet toyboys och cougars. Det finns självklart många fler män som köper sex än kvinnor, och fler män som sexturistar i Sydostasien än kvinnor i Västafrika. Stötestenen är hur vi som samhälle förväntas reagera på äldre kvinnor som kladdar på unga män och rika madamer som köper “negergossar” i kolonialländerna. Kvinnlig sexturism är kanske lite pinsamt på sin höjd. Äldre kvinnor med yngre män är Samantha i Sex and the city och more power to her! Var tog makt-aspekten vägen? Är det verkligen alldeles okej med en relation mellan en 20-åring och en 40-åring? Risken att bli utnyttjad är mycket stor för den yngre som saknar både erfarenhet, ställning eller skinn på näsan. Och det är inte vackrare för att gamlingen är kvinna istället för man. Det är inte särskilt pittoreskt när någon med ett mäktigt kontaktnät känner sig försmådd och den unga älskaren/älskarinnan står där och känner sig rädd och förpliktigad. Stiligheten och Odjuret.

Nu har jag låtit som en ålders-moralist. Age ain’t nothing but a number och allt det där gäller trots allt. För visst finns det ju relationer med åldersskillnad som funkar bra, även korta sexuella sådana. Frågan jag inte funnit svar på är om the cougar är en manlig eller kvinnlig fantasi? Och om det verkligen sker så ofta som man nuförtiden får intrycket av.

Men sluta dalta med tantsnusk! En omoralisk kvinna är omoralisk trots att hon är kvinna. Och det finns inget försonande med tantslemmet som gnider sig över stränderna runtom i världen. Inte heller är det mer okej att utnyttja unga män än vad det är att utnyttja unga kvinnor. Men visst är det nog rätt kul för många att ha sex med äldre kvinnor och äldre män, och sedan i äldre år har man sex med yngre män och yngre kvinnor. Så är cirkeln sluten.


Dags för kvinnorna att vara gubbsjuka 


Cougar Town

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

21 News Caption Fails

We all know that it’s sometimes hard to do your job. Or care. But wouldn’t you think that if you were responsible for broadcasting to a large audience, like say – the world – you might check your work? This post from shows that there might be a little more room for lightening the payroll in the media department.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

MILF ‘zeroes in’ on Sinnott abductors

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

6 tons of bomb making materials seized

RP troops seize 6 tons of bomb making chemicals Philippines (Mindanao Examiner / October 19, 2009) – Philippine authorities seized more than six tons of banned chemical fertilizers widely used by rebels in the manufacture of crude bombs, officials said Monday. Officials said some 242 bags of ammonium nitrate were seized Friday from two locations in the southern Philippine province of Tawi-Tawi province. The chemical fertilizers were believed smuggled into the southern Philippine from nearby Malaysia. MORE

MILF joins search for kidnapped priest

MANILA, Oct. 20, 2009— The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has joined search and rescue operations for kidnapped Irish Catholic priest Fr. Michael Sinnott. MILF spokesman Eid Kabalu said they willing to intervene for the possible recovery of the priest from the Missionary Society of St. Columban. Kabalu yesterday said the MILF has already sent an emissary to Sultan Naga Dimaporo town, where the military said Fr. Sinnott was being held, to secure his release. MORE

COMMENTARY: AFP’s real score vs. the Abu Sayyaf


What seems to be the “significant victory” in the recent raid by the Armed Forces of the Philippines against the Abu Sayyaf at the pre-dawn hours of August 12, 2009? Was this military raid a show for Admiral Timothy Keating, the commander of the US Pacific Command (USPACOM), who arrived in Manila on Tuesday onboard the USS George Washington aircraft carrier for the regular RP-US Mutual Defense Board (MDB) and Security Engagement Board (SEB) meetings? MORE

Saturday, October 17, 2009

milf anyone



So the guys over at Reality Kings bring us this super hot reality based video series. A MILF is a Mom I’d Like to Fuck, and if you don’t know what they’re talking about, we’re talking about those smoking hot older women who are looking for a good time. Hunting down horny amateur moms is this sites specialty! The Milf Hunter hunts down a brand new hot mom every week. Each MILF porn video features the hottest mature women. Every MILF is a sex starved goddess who isn’t getting the attention she deserves. Check out thegreat content, from full length MILF Videos to MILF Pictures, the Milf Hunter has the mature porn content for you.

Our thoughts

This site really does deliver. The videos are very hot and watching these MILFS in action made us hot for mommy, not our mommy, I mean that would be weird and we would……you know what we mean.

Check it out here Milf Hunter enjoy!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

'Travel MILF' Alexis Golden Hits the Road

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nasampelan na ang mga Kano ng IED

Namatay daw sila dahil lamang sa paglilingkod sa iba (mga Pilipino?); ito ang  pahayag ng US Embassy sa Pilipinas sa pagkamatay ng dalawang sundalong Kano sa Jolo. Nasampelan na nga ang mga Kano ng IED na gawa ng mga teroristang gumagala sa Sulo. Gayon pa man ay bukas ang gobyernong Amerika sa ano mang kasundoan upang ipagpatuloy pa ng Visiting Forces Agreement. Pero ang katanungan, ngayon na nalagasan ng katropa ang mga sundalong Kano ano ang kanilang binabalak ngayon? Siempre hindi nila basta-bastang palampasin iyan. Gaganti at gaganti rin sila sa ano mang kaparaanan. Kaya maaga pa para magsaya ang mga bandido at terorista sa Sulo. Abangan nila ang paglipad ng kanilang mga Predators at pagulan ng mga bomba sa kanilang mga kuta.

Ngunit hindi ba bawal na gumawa ng ano mang hakbang na pakikigiera ang mga Kano sa Pilipinas? Ang tanging nagagawa lang nila ay ang magbigay payo at paniniktik sa galaw ng mga kalaban. Pero noon iyon. Iba na ngayon. Ito ang persepsiyon ng mga iba sa naganap na pagpatay sa  mga Non-combatant troops sa pamamagitan ng pagtatanim ng bomba sa daraanan ng kanilang mga behikulo. Ano ba naman kayong mga rebelde, mga gumagawa lang iyan ng mga kalsada at school buildings! Kung talagang gusto ninyo ang laban e di makipagbarilan kayo ng harap-harapan at di pa-traydor!

Of course lalong magiingat na ngayon ang mga tropang Kano. Siguro hindi na nila ipagkakatiwala pa sa mga katropa nilang Pinoy ang kanilang kaligtasan. Sila na ang magbabantay ng kanilang mga sarili. Malalaki na sila at alam na nila ang kanilang ginagawa. Pagaganahin na nila ang kanilang mga high-tech na kagamitang pangiyera. Kaya kayong mga rebelde at bandidong Abu Sayyaf ay humanda kayo. Galit na si Uncle sam!

Kung saka-sakaling gustong gumanti ang mga Kano at malilipol ang mga teroristang Abu Sayyaf at mga lost command na rebeldeng gumagala sa Sulo, aba malaking tulong ito para isulong ang kandidatora  ni Defense Secretary Gibo Teodoro sa pagka-presidente. Biro mo ipinangako niyang pupulbosin niya ang mga rebelde at bandidong Abu sayyaf
e di malaking karangalan para sa kanya kapag nagkatotoo ito? So action na mga tropang Kano. Paliparin na ninyo ang inyong mga lumilipad na bombang may telebisyon at computer pa. Bawat pagsabog ay may rebelding napapatay. Ala e, di ba mainam iyan nang magkaroon na ng kapayapaan sa Mindanao, Sulo, at Basilan?

Kaso hindi ganon kadali e. Kay liit ng Sulo, ilang libo nang mga tropa ang nandiyan nalulusotan pa sila? May mga hi-tech nang kagamitan, napaglalalangan pa rin sila at  napapatay ng kalaban? Sabi nga ni Gordon negosasyon hindi patayan ang sulosyon ng rebellion sa Mindanao. Pagusapan ang mga problema at hindi pagkakaunawaan. Kaso wala naman daw kuwentang kausap itong mga rebelde. Nakikipag-usap lang daw ang mga iyan kung nasusukol na sila. Ganon pala e di pulbosin na nga lang sila total hindi naman ang pamahalaang Pinas ang gagasta kung hindi ang Amerika? Kaya mga tson inumpisahan nila dapat ay tatapusin naman ninyo. Fight!

Oo fight, di lalong lalala lang ang sitwasyon at dadami ng husto ang sakit ng ulo ni Uncle Sam? Pero di ba may kasabihan ang mga militar, no pain no glory. Aba hindi naman kayo gano kaduwag ano. Ano pa ba ang silbi ng balikatan kung hindi ninyo ito magagamit sa mga kalaban? Magsasawalang kibo na lang ba kayo. Ang lagay parang mga aso na lang ba kayo ng nakabahag ang buntot pagkatapos malagasan ng tropa? Ipakita ninyo na kayo pa rin ang hari, kayo pa rin ang magagaling, at kayo pa rin ang mangingibabaw.  Ang tindi kaya ng inyong fire power?

Pero may katuwiran din kayong maghinay-hinay muna. Do not complicate the situation. A few months now will be a presidential election in the Philippines. Gibo Teodoro is a candidate. Cool muna kayo at hintaying manalo ang ating magiting na defense secretary. Ngayon kapag presidente na si Gibo, gawin ninyo ang inyong gusto. Combined Philippine and US troops, upakan na ninyo itong mga rebelde at nang sumaya naman ang bayan.

Sabagay wish ko lang ito. Sino ba namang matino ang papatol sa sinasabi ng isang hamak lamang na Kapitan ng Barangay na tulad ko? Pero kung type naman ninyo talagang gumanti, then go go go. Nasa likud lang ninyo ako nagtatago miles and miles away.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

I Have A Big Butt, Look!

I Have A Big Butt, Look!

This time it is no joke. This beautiful girl “Milena” is amazing. She has this beautiful face but her best feature got to be that “Round and Bouncy Ass”. Oh my god! it was and incredible experience. I got to fuck this babe in all imaginable positions and when i asked her if she wanted to try my cock in her Juicy, bouncy, beautiful ass. She replied: yeah baby! i would love to. I don’t know if life can get better than this, i just know that Milena sure can fuck and give you a n awesome blow job and when she does it, she does it right. So get with the plan and play this video…You’ll love it!! Join here!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Neden Böyle Etiketler?

~ Kedi

Yazı etiketlerine yapılan yorumlar, yazılara yapılanları geçtiğine göre, bir açıklama yapmam gerekiyor bu konuda… Bakın Türk insanı abazadır, eğer böyle etiket koymasaydık sitemiz şu anki konumunda olamazdı. İlk defa tesadüfen bu yazıda kullandıktan sonra, hitimiz 44′den 158′e yükselerek %300′den fazla arttığından dolayı sitemizin tanınması için bunu gerekli gördük, kapitalizm işte n’aparsın… Ama bunu da keseceğiz iyice ünlenince merak etmeyin, sapık değiliz. Hatta bu yazıdaki etiketlerden sonra, bir daha koymayacağım şahsen. Yeter çünkü bu kadar.


Thursday, September 24, 2009


Army spokesman admits military lack ground-level spokesmen By ROGER M. BALANZA Filipino troopers can be as brave as any soldier in the world. In the battle against the Abu Sayyaf in Julu, in the fierce combat with the communist New Peoples Army (NPA) rebels in the jungles of Compostela Valley or in firefights with the secessionist Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) elements in Central Mindanao, you can expect the troopers to stand their ground, comfortably at ease with their guns blazing. Guns, yes, real guns. They are like toys to our soldiers. But microphones? They tremble at the sight of microphones! Philippine Army spokesman Lt. Col. Arnulfo Burgos openly admitted this fact, as he moaned lack of able spokesmen for the military. Burgos on Wednesday in Davao City, welcomed local journalists in the Seminar on Media Orientation for public affairs officers of the AFP Eastern Mindanao Command, as military attempts to strengthen media relations. Our troopers can handle guns easily. But they cringe at sight of journalists armed with microphones looking for an interview, he told Davao City journalists, who had complained instances of military officers shying away from making comments on vital issues. Journalists here also said lack of spokesmen hamper their efforts to get the military side. Burgos flew in here to attend the seminar for newly-established unit Public Affairs Office (PAO) under EastMinCom, which is composed of the 6th Infantry Division operating in Central Mindanao and the 10th Infantry Division with Southern Mindanao as its area of responsibility. Also attending the seminar were Lt. Col. Patricio Asto, 6th ID PAO head, and Captain Emmanuel Garcia, chief of the 10th ID PAO. Our troopers find their work an easy job. But being spokesmen is one that they try to avoid, Burgos said. Burgos however assured military would be transparent in dealing with media but asked that protocols be followed.         

Move It, Grandpa

Featured post by WiiMan on September 23 at 11:21pm

I hate it when I’m in line at the supermarket and an old lady in front of me decides to hold up the entire line by pulling out her checkbook to pay for a few items. I’m almost tempted to pay for her groceries myself with a credit card just to speed it up – wait, that bottle of Centrum Silver costs 26 dollars? Forget it. That’s a deal breaker. Well, if you’re like me, you might be happy to hear this story:

“Whole Foods Market Inc. is considering banning the use of personal checks at its stores and stopped accepting checks at two stores in the Los Angeles area as a test. The heads of these chains see check processing as a time-consuming. ‘Since most of our customers pay with cash, debit cards or credit cards, we want them to be able to check out as quickly as possible.’”

Okay, I lied. I’m actually NOT that happy about this. Why? Although a ban on personal checks may provide customers with faster service, we have to remember that this is WHOLE FOODS we’re talking about. Which means that society will have once again caved in to the annoying class of self-centered, organic-obsessed, tree-hugging Whole Foods customers. You know exactly who I’m talking about – the pretentious MILFs in line who carry their yoga mats in one hand and a six-dollar box of blueberries in the other, while tapping their toe impatiently because they’re late for yoga class. PUHHLEEEZ. Let me do you a favor, ladies: the next time I’m in front of you in line, why don’t I just save you time by shoving my checkbook up your yoga-tightened asses.

For these reasons, I say let the old people at Whole Foods have their checkbooks. Seriously people, we should let the elderly pay however they want. Who the hell should care if it takes a couple of extra minutes? And what the hell is yoga anyway? A character from Star Wars? Give me a break.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

BBW MILF Mommy Looking To Get Spoiled

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Achieving M.I.L.F. Status Is Not All It's Cracked Up To Be

Achieving M.I.L.F. Status is not all it’s Cracked up to be.

If you’ve ever heard this acronym used in reference to you from one of your children’s friends, be afraid.  Be very afraid!  Yes folks, thanks to the ever so impressionable film American Pie some years back, the term spread like wildfire throughout the schools of America.  (If you don’t know the meaning please google it.)

I remember the first time I had the displeasure of being labeled this term while picking up my son from his freshman football practice.  It’s not like they even tried to whisper it as my son got in the SUV.  “Hey Nick, your mom’s a M.I.L.F.”  My head turned so fast I got whiplash.  My jaw dropped to the floor board and I looked at my son in horror.  “I can’t believe they just said that.”  “They always tease me about it.” he replied back.

“Can’t you just tell them not to say it? I’m your mother for god’s sake!” “Yeah I did, but they’re a bunch of horny teenagers.  Can’t you just come pick me up looking a little less made up?”

Was he actually insinuating I was somehow at fault for dressing the way I did or by wearing make up?  I thought long and hard about it and had such a complex with every subsequent curb side pick up.  So I tried his suggestion.  I went there one day in my sweats, disheveled hair, and unpainted canvas.

It was too late.  I had been permanently labeled with the scarlet letters. I may have just as well worn a tight fitting midriff T-shirt with the acronym splashed across my bosom.

For the next 4 years I had to endure comments at my son’s expense and shame. But alas, graduation day came and I gladly stepped down from my reign.  Only too happy to hand the title over to the next poor unsuspecting attractive Football Booster Mother.

When I see young girls walking around with T-shirts displaying “M.I.L.F in training” I can’t believe their parents would even let them out of the house….which brings me to the thought of how the t-shirt ever get there in the first place?

What is our younger generation coming to? I never thought I would hear myself utter those words…..god I’m getting old!

Friday, September 18, 2009

I'm a cocksucker first and foremost and I worship great cock.

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Seduction in the park makes my pussy very wet.

Read after, “The Sexy Stud for Hire”.

            Gavin didn’t stick around for very long after our cup of coffee. He did give me his number though, and I considered asking him up to my place, but didn’t. In my heart I wanted to seduce him like the sexy Goddess I write about in my book. I never realized that perhaps I was not only jaded from the bad break up experience I’d had, but shy.

            Get me naked Gavin and I won’t be shy.

            I smiled thinking about him. It had been a long day at the store again. I was curious what he was doing and contemplated calling him.

            My manager called me on my cell just as I turned my “close” sign for the night.

            “Delaynee, I think that you should consider this offer of writing a companion book,” he said. “This writer is motivated, and it would be a breeze for you to write. He’s sent me a sample of his work and you’d be compatible.” 

            I was standing at the coffee counter when I heard my front door open. Gavin entered the store and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest.

            Our eyes met and we both smiled. He made his way over to me as I gave my manager the brush off.

            “Thank you, but my wind of change has just blown in.” 

            I quickly hung up, and went to wait on Gavin. 

            “It’s closing time again.” I said. “Am I going to have to extend my hours just for you?” 

            “Perhaps…After all, you make great coffee, and have the best companionship to offer.”

            We smiled. There was something so sexy about him even though he smelled like gasoline tonight or axel grease. His clothes were covered in black smears and I could tell he had been working hard.

            “What do you do for a living?”

            “I mostly work on cars, but I flip houses on my nights and weekends off.”

            I wish you’d flip me.

            “So, let me get this straight,” I said gazing into those gorgeous brown eyes of his. “You’re a mechanic, and you do construction? When do you have time to read?”

            He smiled and without hesitation reached across the counter and kissed me on the cheek.

            “Mmmmmm, you smell good Delaynee.”

            Without so much as missing a heartbeat, he went into his explanation.

            “I don’t own a television, so I read,” he said. “And I do other stuff.”

            I was stunned. I wanted him to kiss me on the lips this time.

            No don’t! Don’t kiss him. Wait. It will be alright, just breathe.

            I smiled.

            We spent hours sitting in my book shop, chatting about life and love.

            My pussy was melting and I knew if I had to get up from my chair there would be a puddle.

            “So tell me, what inspires you to write about the Goddess?”

            Oh shit, I was going to have to answer this.

            “It just comes from a place deep inside my soul and I just write about what I . . . enjoy,” I said.

            His eyes got big with excitement and I’m pretty sure his cock did too. He knew how the Goddess loved to suck and worship cocks, I’m sure he figured I did too.

            But again, I brushed him off.

            It’s late,” I said. “We should get to bed.”

            He raised his eyebrow.

            We both broke into laughter.

            “You know what I mean.”

            “Delaynee, tomorrow night, why don’t you let someone else close the shop, and you and I go to a movie?” 

            I nodded.


            I could hardly sleep at all that night. I tossed and turned. I wondered if a guy that good looking and covered in grease could be so sexy, how amazingly hot he’d be once he showered and put on cologne.

            My employee’s were more than happy to close the store so I could go on a date. They knew it had been awhile and we’re so excited for me that one of them went out and bought me some new perfume while she was on her break.

            I slipped out of work 2 hours before my date. I took a long hot bath and did an extra close shave on my pussy because I was actually considering, maybe having sex with Gavin.

            After I blew my hair dry and curled it I put on a sparse amount of makeup. I checked my appearance in the mirror.

            I wore a simple skirt, cotton t-shirt and a pair of strappy sandals that made my legs look fantastic. I ran a brush through my long hair and sprayed a little perfume on my neck and rubbed some lip gloss across my lips.

            I was so happy that I called my manager.

            “I’m ready,” I said. “I’ll collaborate with another author on a companion book.” 

            “It’s too late,” he said. “The author has changed his mind.”

            I was a little disappointed, but not for long when Gavin knocked on my door.

            He looked so damn yummy when I opened it. He had on a pair of sandals, dress shorts and a simple t-shirt too. We could have been Barbie and Ken except we are both brunettes.

            It was a beautiful late summer evening. Gavin and I walked down the street to where they were showing a movie in the park.  

We selected a private spot beneath a tall tree, and gently lay a blanket across the grass. 

Gavin had brought a thermos of cider, caramel popcorn and a small lantern. We got comfortable on the blanket as a classic love story movie was projected onto the side of the building.

The warm glow of the lamp added the perfect touch of romance to the setting. We kept stealing glances from each other as he sat on his bottom, and leaned back on his hands.

“Come to me Delaynee.”

Right here, now? I wish.

I slipped out of my shoes and nestled in beside his warm body. We fit together like a puzzle pieces.

The cool night breeze blew my hair and at time gently brushed across his face. He’d lean his head onto mine and I could feel him kiss the top of my head.

This guy is so sweet and sexy. Meow.

Gavin poured me a cup of cider and playfully fed me some of the caramel corn. I played along and returned the favor.

We couldn’t take our eyes off each other, and soon forgot all about the movie.

My heart was racing. I felt like a teenager.

Gavin leaned down to me and placed a tender kiss on my lips.

            I was filled with mixed emotions and I could tell by the way Gavin was looking at me that he was waiting to follow my lead.

            I smiled.

            He knew I wanted him.

            He took our glasses and sat them on the side, off the blanket.

            He took me into his arms, and brushed his lips across mine again, lightly at first, then more passionately.

            We lay down on the blanket as the moonbeams washed our faces with its gentle light.

            The film played in the background while we discovered each others powerful sexual touch.

            I pulled back from him and whispered in his ear.

            “It’s been four long years since I’ve felt a man’s touch other than on paper.”

            “Mmmmmm, do you like it?”

            I continued to kiss Gavin and then guided his hand to my bottom.

            He pulled away from me and looked deeply into my eyes, making sure I was alright.

            “I’m not going to break.” 

            He kissed my lips, cheek, and earlobe. He made his way down my sweet neck, devouring my flesh with his moist lips. He gently rubbed my bottom, and I did the same to him.

We exchanged silent, private gasps of breath. We realized we were in public, but enjoyed the light petting of each others bodies outside our clothes.


My cunt was starting to leak. It felt good. It felt right.

Gavin stopped kissing me and reached into his bag. He pulled out a book bound in a plain brown wrapper.

            “I have something for you Delaynee.”

            Holding me close, he turned up the lamp just a little. He quietly reads to me a story of two lovers that were destined to meet. I began to get into the story, and help him turn the pages. He would read a verse, then I would finish. He read another.

            “You’re different.  No one gets you.”

            I finished the verse.

            “Or at least that’s what you think.” 

            They turn the page, and it’s blank. 

            “It’s beautiful Gavin, you should finish it.” 

            “I wrote it for you, before I even knew you were you,” he said. “I call it, ‘Companion for the Goddess.’”  

            I realized that he was the author my manager told me of, and that he was the man that spoke to my employee. 

            “It was you?”

            “Now that I know you, I didn’t want to let it end.” 

            He pulled me to him in a loving embrace, and kissed me so deeply.

I gasped as I pulled away from him. I smiled a naughty smirk.

            “Ah ha…the Goddess has a playmate.”

            I took his face into my hands, and kissed him with every inch of my being. His taste was intoxicating, and I was hungry for him.

            We didn’t stick around for the movie to end. We headed back to my place to write our own bedtime story.

          Our to fuck each other into exhaustion… yum.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sexy, hot, erotic stories that will make your pussy cream and your cock hard.

“The New York City Bad Boy” is an erotic ROMANCE novella blog, and slowly builds the sexual tension. You must start at “The New York City Bad Boy” posting at the beginning of this blog – August 13, 2009 – and read every day after to read it in order. If you want short, steamy erotic stories that get straight to the sex, check out “Cougar Stories” by Romance Columnist Kate Mercer on the RSS Feed


Saturday, September 5, 2009

This romance novella is sexy, but that Cougar, Kate Mercer is one hot bitch.

“The New York City Bad Boy” is an erotic ROMANCE novella blog, and slowly builds the sexual tension. You must start at “The New York City Bad Boy” posting at the beginning of this blog and read every day after in order to read it in order. If you want short, steamy erotic  stories that get straight to the sex, check out “Cougar Stories” by Romance Columnist Kate Mercer on the RSS Feed
